Scholarship funds are limited and are granted on a first come, first served basis and may be limited to specific locations and times. Scholarships are awarded without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or status. Applications are reviewed each semester and families may be contacted to update their needs. Scholarships are partially funded through donations from Music Together families, and via the generosity of the Music Together Ridgecrest co-directors. Many of our families turn to their extended families for help when they can't afford tuition. Many grandparents, relatives and friends love getting a suggestion of help with tuition for a child's birthday or holiday present. Please complete the information below to apply for financial assistance to attend a class, and click the submit button at the bottom. |
First Name*: | |
Last Name*: | |
Address*: | |
Email Address*: | |
Phone Number: | |
Why do you feel you need a scholarship? Please explain your circumstances. | |
Why is it important for your child and family to take Music Together classes? | |
Parent/Guardian | |
Employer | |
Occupation | |
Spouse/Partner | |
Employer: | |
Occupation: | |
Your family's gross monthly income: | |
Your family's year/make/model of automobiles: | |
Are you eligible for the free and reduced lunch program through Portland Public Schools? | |
Do you receive SSI AFDC, SSD, food stamps, medical aid, section 8, etc. Please specify: | |
Based on your circumstances, what do you feel you can pay towards tuition? Please note we are unable to award more than 1/2 off total tuition fees.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application. We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible. MUSIC TOGETHER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Music Together Ridgecrest respects your privacy and will never share, sell, or rent your personal information with third parties for their promotional use. Your email and mailing address will be shared only with our licensor Music Together LLC for educational and quality assurance purposes. |
Security check:* |
Help us prove you are not a robot. Please enter the result below:
Copyright © 2024 Music Together Ridgecrest. All rights reserved. Music Together art & logo design © 2016-2024 Music Together LLC. Music Together is a registered trademark. Music Together Ridgecrest is licensed by Music Together LLC. For more locations: |
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